Factorial Calculator

Calculates Factorial (n!) of a number n.


In general, n objects can be arranged in n(n - 1)(n - 2) ... (3)(2)(1) ways. This product is represented by the symbol n!, which is called n factorial. By convention, 0! = 1.

Thus, 0! = 1; 2! = (2)(1) = 2; 3! = (3)(2)(1) = 6; 4! = (4)(3)(2)(1) = 24; 5! = (5)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 120; and so on.

Factorials can get very big, very fast. The term 170! is the largest factorial that the Factorial Calculator can evaluate. The term 171! produces a result that is too large to be processed by this software; it is bigger than 10 to the 308th power.